Category Archives: Professional Leak Detection Service

Important Facts about Advanced Leak Detection Services

Advanced Leak Detection technology of helium leak detectors is one of its kind revolutions in leak detection service industry that has made the leak detection process smooth and easy. This technology is designed in such a way that helium gas is used for identifying the absence of presence of leakage in pipelines.


Some might question, why helium gas is used for this purpose, the answer is that helium gas is non-toxic, non-flammable, inert, and non-condensable and can be found in abundance in our atmospheric air thus making the advanced leak detection process safe and cost effective. The gas is very inexpensive and can be bought easily in several size cylinders to meet the various leakage detection demands.

Helium leak detection technique is useful not only for home and office water leak detection, but is also used in industrial machinery and manufacturing units to perform regular leakage checks on machinery and equipment.

Vacuum testing and pressure testing are the two common methods used for testing leakages with the help of helium gas by most of the Professional Leak Detection Service providers. This is one of the best early leak detection methods used for identifying leakages to avoid accidents and also to control the major damage which might be caused because of excessive water leakage.

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